With hundreds of years of heritage and at the forefront of innovative digital news, our publishers and news sites understand what makes a story and what content engages readers. We don’t just provide our audiences with news, we also engage with them on community and national issues, using our platforms to enable change and calls to action. Our readers rightly trust us and our journalism and that trust transfers to more effective advertising campaigns for our partners, with 81% of users agreeing that they inherently trust the advertising and brands across our sites*

*Source: Comscore’s Genesis Project; comparing opinions on trust across Local news brands vs national news brands, social media sites, and portals.

“The Stamford Mercury is the UK’s oldest continuously printed newspaper still in print, first printed in 1712 it has always been central to East England news. When we first went digital in 1999 our readers followed and continue to read us in their droves as we provide them with the same quality journalism we always have but now at a higher speed and with greater opportunities for our readers to contribute and engage with our stories”

Edward Iliffe of Iliffe media

Local Media as a platform for action. Our readers rightly trust us and our journalism. Below are just some examples of how local media acts as a platform for action within the local communities they serve.

Eastern Daily Press

The EDP launched Mental Health Watch to raise awareness of the under-performing mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk. The campaign highlighted the struggles of the region’s mental health service, the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT), as well as its progress. Mental Health Watch helped secure more money for services by being part of a campaign to raise £500,000 for mental health services in the region. The campaign helped stop a mental health phone line from closing, despite recieving around 800 calls a month. One of the main aims of the campaign was to end the stigma of people suffering from mental health problems and raise awareness of the issues. By giving mental health extensive coverage the paper has gone some way to achieving that.

Oxford Mail

Every year the Oxford Mail organises the OX5 run, a charity run which raises money for the local Oxford Children’s Hospital. The Oxford Mail successfully brings together hundreds of community members to run, walk or jog, five miles around the grounds of Blenheim Palace to fundraise for, and create awareness of, the Oxford Hospital Charity. The funds donated to the hospital from this annual event helps to make a real difference to thousands of children who are treated there each year.